As a developmental editor, I can work with you on an entire manuscript or on a single section, such as the literature review. There are two basic options for a developmental edit:
1. Manuscript evaluation. I can offer an overall assessment of how well a manuscript is working with respect to audience, purpose, content, organization, and genre considerations; identify problem areas; and propose possible solutions. I will also provide limited line or copy edits in the manuscript to show the author specific strategies for effective revision, but I leave the bulk of the work of reshaping the text to the author.
2. Evaluation and revision. After reviewing and agreeing on the proposed solutions, the writer can have me address the necessary rewriting and reorganizing at the section, chapter, or manuscript level.
In either case, I give the author an editorial letter or report, outlining the big picture issues to be addressed in the revision and a summary of suggested strategies for accomplishing the work, and an annotated manuscript, calling attention to specific issues within the text and proposing a solution. If I make the necessary revisions, the annotated manuscript will include line edits and notes about how and why text has been added, deleted, moved, or rewritten.
For developmental editing clients, I will have an initial consultation to learn more about your project and your goals for the editorial relationship. If you plan to make the revisions on your own, you have the option to schedule a follow-up meeting to review the editorial report and ask for clarification about anything that is unclear. For writers who enlist my help in making the revisions, we will have a conversation to agree on the nature and scope of revisions before I move forward.
Rates for developmental editing are $18.25 - $26/page depending on the amount of rewriting and reorganization accomplished on behalf of the writer. Graduate student rates available.